Friday, December 25, 2009

Un-Merry Christmas for me! What is going on?

Guest Post by Nahida Izzat, an exiled Palestinian

Un-Merry Christmas for me!
What is going on?

“Hello is this the Christmas Help Line?”

“Yes… good afternoon and merry Christmas
Angela speaking
How can I help you?
Are you feeling lonely today?”

“Absolutely, awfully lonely
And I have a serious problem
Grave one without a doubt
May be you could help… sort me out
People around me are buoyant and joyful
Oblivious to what’s happening
To the precious baby
They’re rejoicing for

Celebrating his birthday
While he’s dying
A thousand deaths a day

Feasting lavishly
Partying like mad
While he’s awaiting starvation
Persecution… torture… humiliation
And targeted assassination
Isn’t that sad

Oh little baby of Nazareth
Can they not sense your pain?
Can they not see you bleeding?
Can they not hear you weeping?
Time and time again

And you, little town of Bethlehem
Can you hear them singing your name?
Do you feel the stabbing of their feet
As they dance over your wounds with glee
While you’re drenched with hurt and shame

Oh little town of Bethlehem
Have they not noticed
The limbless forsaken petrified child
They have made you
As they dragged you into their fantasy fame

Oh wingless heartbroken Jerusalem
Tell me
How can they fail to see your tears?
Are they blissfully ignorant or pretending to be?
Would they pop up their life-bubbles
And face reality

“Dear caller
Who is speaking?
I didn’t catch your name?
Be reassured
It’s all confidential
Every thing you say?”

“Have you heard of Jesus?
I am his mother… who raised him
I am his daughter… who loved him
I am his sister… who held him
I am his friend… who embraced him
I am the fisherman… who fed him
I am the wise-man … who visited him
I am the Shepard… who believed him
I am the disciple… who followed him
I am the Palestinian … who made my heart his home”

“Oh… yes… I see”

“Dear Angela
You know what?
I’ve never had a happy Christmas
Since I was born

Dear Angela
I know that this conversation is not to be disclosed
But I am begging you not to keep it so

Dear Angela… go
Just go
Tell your colleagues
Friends and family
And everyone you know
Tell of my story
Spread every word you’ve heard

Dear Angela
The root of the problem
The cause of my pain
Is that… no body knows
What’s going on

Or do they?

I don’t know

But if they do…


I really want to know
What’s going on?

Nahida Izzat
Exiled Palestinian

(c) 2006 by Nahida Izzat, an exiled Palestinian

[Tarboush Tip: Mahmoud El-Yousseph]




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