I was on the phone speaking to mom yesterday, when she mentioned that dad was eating his dinner, I asked her how to make the dish that dad was munching on (Mlookhyah). the moment I asked her, she was like "Oh Hani, I wish you are here to make you all these nice things and take care of you", needless to say she got emotional! I managed to distract her by one of my infamous techniques, she got over it
Now compare that with an American mother where her son asks her for a recipe, I would imagine that the American mother would be very pleased for two reasons. The first your son/daughter is learning to be independent. Second, by asking you how to make something, they are paying you a compliment!
Granted not all mothers are alike, but truth is, mother is like many women back home , they always see it as duty to do what women do, cooking is included in those duties.
I love my mom so very much, but you know I am older now and I can take care of things, but as they always say "You will always be a child to your parents" I am waiting for the day, where my mom worries less about me and my wellbeing, she has done so much already.
P.S. Palestinians celebrate Mothers day is March 21, 2008