Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Running In Gaza

I hope I will be able to visit Gaza sometimes in the near future; one of the activities that I am looking forward to is to run on the beach. Yes, there is sewage water in the beach, but I want to run from the North Tip to the Southern tip of the Mediterranean. It's not the physical part I am looking forward to, but rather the social exercise. I want to see how people react when they see me running on the beach with my mp3 player and headphones. I know my people and I know they can be obvious; their looks will reveal what they are thinking. Obviously, I am looking forward for some great cooking and schmoozing with my God knows how many nephews and nieces by the time I get a chance to visit.

On a lighter note, when my sister learned that I took up running for "health" reasons not "diet" reasons, she made fun of me and how here in America people like to be healthy by staying active. Her husband is a soccer player who is in good shape. Her take on running outdoors was different. She said healthily or not healthy in Gaza the odds of dying of non health related causes are higher than other places. Thus for her the odds of getting killed are higher for healthier ones since they will be doing more outdoors than the lazy ones who hang low... my response was have you seen a fat person trying to run from danger? How effective were they? Go figure (not to pick on obese people or anything)


Mary on February 17, 2009 at 10:10 AM said...

I predict in two thousand eleven you will be going to Gaza but I am thinking, hopefully go to visit my fiends in Gaza next year I want to see all your family and them to see me, the strange women who talks to them on the phone. I will be going there before you because I am an American. When I go there, I will not be running on the beach, I will be walking with your Mom if it is OK with you or Abou Mazin.

Zsuzs on February 17, 2009 at 4:33 PM said...

Dear Hani,

I just stumbled upon your blog and I loved reading your posts. Very inspiring. I'm glad you are doing well, I have really been wondering about you and your family's safety, not knowing where exactly you were located. I'll keep them all in my prayers as I'm sure many others do. Take care and keep up the postings!! I wish you all the best!


Zsuzs on February 17, 2009 at 4:46 PM said...

Oh yeah, and that book you mentioned about the toy maker and the dots, I believe it's Max Lucado's "You are Special". :-)


Hanitizer on February 18, 2009 at 10:39 AM said...

Thanks ZsuZs!

I appreciate the feedback and i hope you are doing well. Howe do you like Hungry?



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