Friday, January 02, 2009

All Is Under Israeli Fire

My cousin, he is my cousin on both side, he is also the younger brother to Sameeh, my other cousin who was killed back in June 2007. His computer center was attacked today by Israeli airplanes. Yehia is a journalist and has no affiliation with any political parties. This goes to tell you that he is probably not too hot on Hamas because of history with them. But this shows the Israelis are just targeting anyone in Gaza.
غزة 4 محرم 1430هـ الموافق 01 يناير 2009م واس
قصفت طائرات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي اليوم مركزاً للكمبيوتر وخدمات الانترنت في منطقة مسجد القسام بمشروع بيت لاهيا.
وأشارت مصادر فلسطينية إلى أن مركزاً للكمبيوتر يديره الصحفي يحيى المدهون تعرض لأضرار كبيرة جراء القصف .
ونقلت المصادر عن المدهون قوله // إن العدوان الإسرائيلي يستهدف كل شيء وجميع الأهداف بخلاف الأكاذيب التي يروجها بأنه يستهدف حركة حماس //.. وأضاف أن المركز يقدم خدمات الكمبيوتر للمواطنين والطباعة والنشر.


Anonymous said...

Are, the Israelians takeing reveange for what the Germans did to them at the holcuast, if so, why reveange on the Palestinians specially on the inocent children. What is the point of killing for a land that dose not belong only to them. We think the Israelians don't know the song..THIS IS YOUR LAND AND THIS IS MY LAND FROM JEROSALEM TO GAZA ISLAND, THIS LAND BELONGS TO YOU AND ME. The Israelians should learn this song so they understand that they are killing their own relatives, the Palestinians.



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