Monday, January 12, 2009

House Mate

Amal Ahmad Almadhoun is 22 years old, we grew up together in the same house. Her father Ahmad is my uncle, as of my father's brother. when I read the name they got it wrong in the news, but when I called Mohammad, my younger brother told me that it was her. I was speechless.

Amal was shot in the head Friday and this morning she passed away. She stopped by our old house to pick up few things on her way back to the relatively safer house. She was in the kitchen with my nephew Omar and my sister in law Amany...a sniper got to her and from what Omar said, her body dropped to the floor, hitting Omar who was next to her. She was in the ICU for two days, but nothing can save her.

As sad as this seems, and I am sad and hurt, when I spoke to my uncle and her brother Yosef they were at ease and said "Whole families lost their lives" "Many homes vanished" "We only give one person" Still I am mad. I did not know these familes, I do not care for building when always rebuild...that's what we do. But Amal is my cousin and she won't be back.

What did the Israeli solider think in the second prior to sniping her? Did he think he got an operative who was hiding in the kitchen?


Yousef on January 12, 2009 at 10:58 AM said...

allah yihidhom

Unknown on January 12, 2009 at 11:14 AM said...


I am so sorry my brother, I cannot imagine what you are going through. May God give you and your family strength and perseverance in this very difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, it always hurt when you loose somebody specially somebody you know so well but there is nothing we can do it is ALLAH wishes, the only thing we pray. Even though I don't know the person when I hear somebody died specially so young dies in the war it hurts. Be patient and strong this war it is going to end soon, hopefully.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know, am reading about the Emperor Yohannis, that you wrote with your blog., you did a good job. I studied about Ethiopian and Eritrian history when I was in Ethiopian College, as you know although I am half of each but I was born in another foreign country that is why I went to college to study about their history and the language.

Unknown on January 14, 2009 at 1:35 AM said...

I am sorry Hani. I know I am sorry for the pain that you and your family have to go through among the others in Gaza. Leaving this world is not such a bad idea had turned into a place where people are just hungry for lust, power, and entertaining themselves as they cause pain to others. Allah is testing you, testing me, testing all of us. There is a purpose to all this, we all have to go through these tests. Prayer and "Saber" Allah has a plan for us and we just have to trust him. Your cousin and the rest of the shuhada2 inchalla are in peace and resting. It's us who I feel sorry for...we still have to live with the pain,live with the memories, and the fear from whats comming in the future. As sad as it is whats happening in gaza was a way to show how those jerks behind their seats of power sitting there doing nothing. Its showing how all those jerks who come on TV promising to do something when the problem is far away..but when it happens..they wash their hands and turn their backs. No actions..just words and words, meaningless words. I am with you, my thoughts are with you, I check your posts regularly just like I have the news on 24/7. Allah kbir.



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